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Submitted by: Nat Hall
Trenbolone Acetate is the most powerful overall steroid in use by bodybuilders today. Trenbolone Acetate, as it is often called, is both highly androgenic and anabolic. It is chemically unable to aromatize, and therefore produces no estrogen buildup. This, along with its high androgenic properties, makes the muscle produced by this drug very hard and defined.
Feature of Trenbolone A100 (Trenbolone Acetate) is that its active ingredient plays an active role in burning fat. Among professional bodybuilders it was very popular in preparation for a competition, as promoted good fullness of muscles in athletes with already low percentage of body fat. With proper nutrition Trenbolone A100 (Trenbolone Acetate) helped achieve a high rate of increases strength and quality muscle mass by becoming more dense with muscles.
Since the drug is the acetate form of trenbolone, it is of limited duration, and therefore need frequent and regular injections. Most ateltov were administered 30 mg every second day, although dosages were not uncommon 30 mg daily or 60 mg every other day, How is this leading to a huge increase in power and to a large, and always good quality, increase in muscle mass. GP Tren Acetate 100 does not aromatize since its active substance is not converted into estrogen. In combination with Winstrol it is an amazing effect on the body. Bodybuilders combined 30 mg of trenbolone every one to two days with Winstrol Depot 50 mg and every one to two days during the ramp up phase and in preparation for a competition.
No other combination gives the athlet such an incredible elasticity and this apparent increase in muscle mass. The possibility of such transformation of the body seem to the uninitiated observer shocking. Professional bodybuilders are fonf of this combination. Together with Dianobol or Anadrol-50, or with Testosterone Trenbolone Acetate in record time builds muscle and strength.
Unfortunately, these positive aspects outweighed Trenbolone side effects. Trenbolone is quite toxic to the liver, and leads some athletes to the piercing pain in the kidney. The first symptom of possible kidney damage is a dark-colored urine. So you can not take high doses of trenbolone and long term. In addition, you should pay attention to what you need to increase several times your fluid intake to help flush the kidneys. Both in women and men Trenbolone causes androgenically strong side effects. Athletes often complain of headaches, nosebleeds, high blood pressure, oily skin with acne, and partly going beyond the norm aggressiveness. It is unclear origin of high pressure, as trenbolone does not cause water retention, which is usually associated with this problem.
Trenbolone A100 (Trenbolone Acetate) can be used in both cutting and bulking cycles. Those looking to bulk might add an injectable form of Testosterone along with an oral such as Methandrostenolone. The famous Trenbolone Acetate /Test Propionate/ Winstrol stack is still regarded as one of the best cutting/ pre-contest combinations that there has ever been. This cycle, along with proper diet and cardio, is sure to bring about results that are extremely dramatic.
Trenbolone A100 (Trenbolone Acetate) by Biomex Labs is available online at http://www.genezameds.com/trenbolone-a100-trenbolone-acetate-p3016
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About the Author: Nat Hall
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