Hair Category}

Submitted by: Susanna Wang

Most women are willing to spend a small fortune on hair care. When you find strands of hair in your comb or brush, do you wonder, “Is this hair loss normal?” While it’s true that everybody sheds about 80 hairs a day, excessive or sudden hair loss can be caused by a number of factors, such as extreme loss of weight or abusive chemical treatments.

When planning to lose weight, it’s infinitely better to do so gradually rather than going on a crash diet. By depriving your body of food, you’re also withdrawing all the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy and promote hair growth. Vitamin B, found in most food sources, is responsible for the creation of red blood cells. These blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs throughout your body, including into your scalp. Causes of sudden hair loss might be directly related to a lack of vitamin B due to poor nutrition.

Hair growth stimulants

While vitamins and minerals can be found in a bottle, natural intake from real food is preferable. Doctors warn that you can overdose on supplements and that too much selenium can also cause sudden hair loss. To prevent this from happening and to promote hair growth, they advise a regular intake of fruit, vegetables, eggs and whole grains. In addition to vitamins, these food sources provide proteins and zinc, which promotes healthy hair growth.

Hair care

Another one of the causes of sudden hair loss might be poor hair treatment.


Most inferior shampoos and conditioners, along with mousses and gels are alcohol based. Alcohol dries out hair and will cause breakage.

Too frequent coloring and/or straightening hair treatments can be harmful due to harsh chemicals.

Styling tools, such as blow dryers, flat irons, curling irons and hot rollers, are often the cause of hair breakage. Always use the coolest setting when using a blow dryer.

Medical causes

Other than loss of weight or poor hair care, hair growth or sudden hair loss might also be related to health issues.

An illness involving high fever or antibiotics can lead to abnormal hair loss.

An over or under active thyroid can manifest itself through hair shedding.

An operation, with or without an anesthetic, is stressful to your body and might lead to hair loss.

A menstruation cycle or childbirth can also increase hair loss. Out of balance hormones are to blame for this temporary side effect.

Certain medications, such as high blood pressure tablets, beta blockers and antidepressants, might have an effect on your hair. If you can’t stop the treatment, ask your doctor to switch to another type of medication.

Scalp conditions might be the culprit and can be treated with an antifungal shampoo. Rather than self-medicating and picking up just any antifungal shampoo, talk to your doctor about a suitable treatment.

How to grow hai

The best way to grow hair is to treat it gently. Eat vitamins and mineral rich foods, and avoid alcohol in the products you buy. Your hair growth depends on your overall health. Hair care should include quality hair treatment products with a minimum of harmful chemicals.

Causes of sudden hair loss can have a number of root causes. Dramatic loss of weight is one reason, poor hair care is another. There can be other factors as well. Instead of stressing over your hair loss, make an appointment with your doctor to rule out any undetected health problem.

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